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Lagavulin 2022 Distillers Edition PX Seasoned American Oak Casks Single Malt Scotch Whisky
Abv: 43%
Volume: 70 cl


This exceptional expression showcases the renowned craftsmanship of Lagavulin distillery, known for producing some of the finest Islay whiskies.


Crafted with meticulous attention to detail, this limited edition release has been matured in specially selected Pedro Ximénez (PX) seasoned American oak casks, adding a unique layer of complexity to the whisky's character. The influence of these casks infuses the spirit with rich notes of dried fruits, dark chocolate, and a subtle sweetness that beautifully complements Lagavulin's signature peat smoke.


On the nose, the Lagavulin 2022 Distillers Edition entices with a captivating aroma of smoldering peat, intertwined with hints of juicy plums and toffee. The palate delivers an exquisite balance of smoky flavors, mingling with luscious figs, raisins, and a gentle spice that dances on the tongue. The long and warming finish leaves a lingering smokiness, leaving you yearning for another sip.


This Distillers Edition release exemplifies Lagavulin's commitment to creating whiskies of exceptional quality and distinctive character. Whether you're a seasoned whisky enthusiast or a curious newcomer, the Lagavulin 2022 Distillers Edition PX Seasoned American Oak Casks Single Malt Scotch Whisky is a must-have addition to any whisky collection.


Indulge in the unparalleled flavors of Lagavulin and savor the artistry behind this remarkable expression. 





樂加維林 2022 酒廠限定款 Pedro Ximénez (PX) 調味美國橡木桶 單一麥芽蘇格蘭威士忌
容量:70 cl




這款限量版威士忌經過精心打造,在特別挑選的 Pedro Ximénez (PX) 調味美國橡木桶中熟成,為威士忌的特性增添了獨特的複雜性。這些木桶的影響為這款酒注入了濃鬱的乾果、黑巧克力和微妙的甜味,與樂加維林標誌性的泥炭煙味相得益彰。


聞起來,樂加維林 2022 酒廠限定款散發出迷人的悶燒泥炭香氣,並與多汁的李子和太妃糖的味道交織在一起。口感呈現出煙燻風味的精緻平衡,與甘美的無花果、葡萄乾和在舌尖舞動的溫和香料混合在一起。悠長而溫暖的餘韻留下了揮之不去的煙燻味,讓你渴望再喝一口。


這款蒸餾器版的發布體現了樂加維林致力於創造卓越品質和獨特個性的威士忌的承諾。無論您是經驗豐富的威士忌愛好者還是好奇的新手,樂加維林 2022 年酒廠限定款 PX 調味美國橡木桶單一麥芽蘇格蘭威士忌都是任何威士忌系列中的必備品。

Lagavulin 2022 Distillers Edition PX Seasoned American Oak Casks

HK$1,100.00 一般價格


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