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Ben Nevis 7yo 2012/2019 by Thompson Brothers Refill Hogshead

Abv: 48%

Volume: 70 cl

This 7 year old Ben Nevis is distilled in 2012, and bottled in 2019 by Thompson Brothers, with only 382 bottles produced. This Ben Nevis whisky has a rich fruity flavour, and scores 88 marks at "".

Nose: Oily. Blackcurrants, blueberry brioche, cider vinegar, menthol, hints of liquorice root and almond.

Palate: Mashed fruits mixed with sweet porridge profile, along with soft waxes. First starts with barley sugar and icing sugar, then to slight pineapple, blackcurrant and white pepper.  The texture remains oily as well.

Finish: Long. Mashed fruits of blackcurrant, green banana, lemon and wax.




本尼維斯 7年 2012/2019 Thompson Brothers裝瓶 Refill Hogshead

容量:70 cl

這款7年的本尼維斯於2012年進行蒸餾,然後在2019年被Thompson Brothers裝瓶,僅生產382瓶。這支本尼維斯威士忌有著豐富水果的風味,更於“”上獲得88分不錯的評價。

香氣:油潤。 黑加侖子、藍莓奶油蛋捲、蘋果醋、薄荷醇、甘草根和杏仁的味道。

口感:搗碎的甜水果泥和蠟質。 入口是大麥糖和糖粉,然後再到少許菠蘿、黑加侖子和白胡椒。 同時也保持著油潤質感。

尾韻:悠長。 黑加侖子、綠色香蕉、檸檬混合的水果泥感,同時還帶有蠟感。

[WF:88] Ben Nevis 7yo 2012/2019 by Thompson Brothers Refill Hogshead



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